Friday 27 December 2019

15 Latest Blog Trends & Predictions for 2020

The latest blog trends are still closely tied to how search engines are helping readers find useful content. In short, content creators and business bloggers have to develop an editorial plan and integrate SEO into that plan. Nothing new there… except: now, you have plenty of analytics tools to make data-driven decisions to target and retarget readers, while the internet itself is pummeled with useless content at best and fake news at worst.

The goal is to optimize content to be both useful and visible with the aid of blog software. And of course, be honest with your intent as Google and Facebook go into witch-hunting for fake sites.

To make sure you are ahead of the curve when it comes to blogging, we have compiled some of the key trends in the industry. From the rise of interactive posts to the changing media consumption preferences of readers, this article should give you an idea of what you should expect in 2020 and beyond. This way, you can create better content for your readers and take your site to the next level.
  1. Data Driven blogging
  2. Highly visual content
  3. Visual search
  4. Voice search
  5. Interactive media
  6. Relevant and useful content
  7. More affiliate marketing
  8. The rice of peformance patnerships
  9. Fake news
  10. Long form content
  11. Guest posts on other blogs
  12. Saas adoption
  13. Crossing platforms
  14. Email marketing
  15. More social media marketing

Blogs are deeply embedded in the day-to-day routines of internet users. So much so that 77% of them read blogs daily. After all, these are where they get information on topics they are interested in. In some cases, these serve as platforms where like-minded people can discuss what’s what in niche industries.

From a business perspective, blogs play an essential role in content strategy. With this, brands can proactively engage their target audience with substantial content. Moreover, it allows them to have a voice in their industry.

However, as the media landscape evolves and consumer expectations change, so does the blogging process. In fact, one trend that is currently reshaping the industry is that brands analyze their own blog posts. They take data, extract insights, and share them with their prospects and customers. One example of which is HubSpot’s effort to declassify their own data and make it public through a useful post. In a particular blog post, the company shared what practices make its own blog successful.

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